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The Garda-N seal is a versatile cable seal with an original design and unique in its seal class.
Applications include vans, tanker trucks, railway tanks, grain carriers, containers; shipping containers, different warehouses, storage facilities, and mailbags.
The cable of the seal is inserted into the body of the seal and the size of the loop can be determined. Once this is selected, the wire is fixed by turning the side wing and then aborted.
A little plate next to the wing protects it from accidental rotation before sealing and also indicates the integrity of the seal. A clear inspection window allows visual confirmation of proper sealing. Tamper evident design ensures visible features indicate fraudulent opening. The diameter of the galvanized cable is 1.6 mm, with a breaking load of > 1500 N.
On request, the Garda-N seal can be supplied with an integrated RFID chip.